Welcome to Dragonball Webpage Headquarters. If you came in search of yet another "[insert incredibly long DB name]'s SUPER DBZ/GT PAGE!!!", then I hate to burst your bubble. This isn't one of those. Here you will find a comprehensive source of graphics & information for use on a DB site. Whether you're an old DBZ webmaster or just starting out, this site should be able to help you. Point is, the name "Dragonball Webpage Headquarters", is as self-explainitory as humanly possible.
What's the point of Dragonball Webpage Headquarters, you might ask? Well, DWH's main purpose is to help those webmasters out there who don't have the ability to make their own graphics for their site, or just isn't good at making them to the point where they aren't satisfied with their own work. So many sites steal tons of content from other sites, and thus rivalries occur and the ones who steal are known as "page pirates".
After visiting here (hopefully), that need to steal graphics and info will be gone. Well, the need for graphics, inleast. Point is, with DWH's help, the only thing you'll need to worry about is providing your own info and "written" work (for instance, a character bios or episode guide section). Hopefully, that is. Oh yes, for those of you who don't know, to download any of the graphics here, just right click the graphic you want with your mouse and hit the option "save target as..." then you'll be prompted to select where it will be saved and all that good stuff. If you use a Mac or anything else that this doesn't work with....if you're using a one-button mouse just hold down your button for a couple seconds, and the same options shall appear.
Important Announcement: Tripod no longer lets anyone directly link to their files. Therefore all graphics must be downloaded first, then uploaded to your own webspace.
Site of the Week(5/9/01):
Dragonball Canada- Dragonball, Canadian-style, eh?... Anyway, all overused Canadian jokes aside, it's overall very decent and original.
Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT are all copyright of their respective owners, blah blah blah. You know the drill. All web graphics here were created by me unless otherwise noted, and can be used without permission. Yeah, you heard right. You DO NOT have to ask for permission to use any graphics (mastheads, backgrounds, etc.) from here on your site. That's the whole point of this: for use by people who need them. However, I would appreciate some nice comments on them if you use them once in awhile, but that's optional. If you like the graphics, just tell me if you have the time and I'll be happy. Incase anyone's interested, this site is made with raw HTML(through Arachnophilia 4.0, occasionally). You may NOT copy any of my HTML, but if you want to view the source to find out how to do something in it, then that's fine. If I find out you've copied my HTML, I'll be forced to give you the Poo Treatment. Nobody wants that. Site best viewed with a screen size of 800x600 and the latest version of Internet Explorer (I.E.).