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Honorable Mentions

While I rarely like to show off miscellaneous crap here, after gathering up a fair assortment of junk I realized I had no choice. Here you'll find stuff that fits nowhere else (to put it shortly and unoriginally,a Miscellaneous section), ranging from awards, miscellaneous links and whatever else needs mentioning. Bow down to their glory, as these are the Honorable Mentions.

Ok, most people wouldn't consider this noteworthy...I know that most of the fellas who got their thoughts mentioned there don't either. But for some reason, I do. This is my short editorial that appeared at starmen.net's Mother 3 fanthoughts section. I'm quite honored by it, as my idea was claimed "interesting...". Hmm. I speak the truth though, and would really like to see the beta version of Earthbound 64 released. Read the screen capture here, or for the whole story just read it here.

For my great work in a DBZ Quiz at Trunks' Capsule Corp., I was given this badge. Wow, such an honor...err, well, a badge is a badge. Do YOU have a badge with a nice DB image in it? From Trunks' Capsule Corporation.

Vegeta's Battle Grounds- For once, I'll stay away from critiquing. In this case, it really doesn't matter to me. It's just the first person that I know of that's used a mass-amount of my graphics, and makes me feel proud. No other reason, I just find that interesting...

Dragonball Z Otaku Alliance- The Republicans of the Dragonball community politics. Now I won't debate or argue anything they say whatsoever, simply because I know it will be a waste of both you and I's time. On this issue, I'm a DBC:WDC Member, but quite frankly I'm in the middle. I choose niether side, and personally I'd like to see the community come back together. Peace,love...and all that other junk.

Dragonball Community:We Don't Care- The Democrats of the Dragonball community politics. Started by the wacky Skinbone and Zelda Master, this little "Alliance" can be easily mistaken for a parody, when in actuality it actually does have some good opinions and what not. Although I'm a member, I'm pretty much on niether side at the moment, as I said earlier.

Wowie Zowie- Last but not least, I give you my silly homepage. Isn't it grand? Home to the true story of Dragonball AF and the GREATEST mod for the 1995 game Civnet, Request for POWER, Wowie Zowie is loved by many and hated by few. Odds are if you have a very serious tone and rarely laugh, you won't like it. In any case, you've got to have that Tom Green/Jackass-esque sort of humor I have to get the jokes, and get a riot out of it.