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How to get hits.

Everyone wants them. Those who deserve them a lot of times don't get them, and oftentimes unworthy sites get plugged. You can spend hundreds of hours on a site, but it won't mean much if nobody's there to see it.

"Hits" is the term for unique site visitors--the number of people who look at your website. While hits are an extremely important factor in a website, they are NOT the most important thing. Site content and self-satisfaction are much more important.

"How do I get more hits?" Is probably the most-often asked question for a DBZ webmaster, and here I'm going to give all the advice I can.

First, I'm going to tell you what NOT TO DO. Tons of pop-ups, topsites, affiliates, webrings, and banner exchanges are in general, not good. Sure, you'll probably get hits, but your visitors will not appreciate the load time it takes for all these little affiliate buttons to come up, or that annoying pop-up they have to close everytime they visit your site. Some of these ideas are good in moderation--there is an anime banner exchange out there (though the link eludes me at the moment) and there are several networks and and affiliates that do actually have a community feeling and help each other out--those are the kinds of affiliates who will help you out. I would say, no more than 5 or 6 of all of these things put together on a site--but NEVER use pop-ups. If you look at the most popular DBZ sites, you will notice that NONE of them use pop-ups.

So, what SHOULD you do? There are limitless possibilities.

Advertise your site in subtle ways.
If you visit any message boards reguarly put your site link in your signature, do the same with the emails you send out. Put a link in your instant messenger/icq/yahoo profiles. If you're a regular at a message board ask the posters to give you their opinions. Sign every website guestbook you come across and include your website link, you'll get at least one hit from the webmaster(s) of the site, right?

Get other Dragon Ball webpages to link to you.
If you have any friends who have pages, ask to be linked. There are a lot of DBZ sites who will accept practically any site sent into them. The sites that will get you the most hits though, are the "elites" Planet Namek, Temple O Trunks, etc.) Normally these sites have a specific time for you to send in links, this time period may be as short as a few hours--but if you happen upon this opportunity and if you feel that your site is ready for that kindof exposure--go for it!

Search Engines.
Yes, obviously you should submit your site to the big search engines like Yahoo (if you want to know how, check out their sites--normally there's a tiny link at the bottom of the page with submission information). I'm talking about Anime Search Engines, and more specifically DBZ search engines. Here are sites ASKING to link to you. I've compiled a list of sites--if you would like to add to it feel free to Email Me

Anime Pitstop
Anime Searcher
Anime Grove
Anime Links
Anime Spider
Anime Universe Networks
Anime Crystal Palace Networks
Anime Alliance
New Vegeta's Link Asylum
DBZ Link Domain
DBZ Search

I know there are more out there--many of these search engines even have sections for yet more links pages, but this is definetly a good start. Don't fret if Anipike doesn't link you right away--they have thousands of people submitting their sites each week, if three or so weeks have gone by and your site hasn't been added yet--email them. Its definetly worth the trouble to have your site listed there.

This isn't the end of the tutorial, look for more to be added soon!