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Dragonball Z Site Primer #1:The Basics

What makes a good DBZ site? This is a tough question, and is analyzed by alot of people but is never really answered directly. That's what I'm hoping to resolve. Before you can make a DB site, you first must know what makes a good one and what is necessary. A good way to see this is to check out some good Dragonball sites, like Planet Namek or Daizenshu EX. I'll make a complete list of excellent sites at a later time.
Now that you've seen some of the greats, let us review the aspects of what makes a Dragonball site great.
Originality. In this day and age, another run of the mill DB site will be turned down by the average fan in a heartbeat. Originality is the key to an excellent site, period. The way to get fans interested in your site is to give them something they haven't seen much of before, or even haven't seen at all. Take here, DWH for instance. Until now, it was impossible to find a site that delt WITH DB sites, yet everyone complained and argued about them constantly. I turned that constant bickering over sites, image piracy and what not into an original idea for a site, and it's something I'm good at too. If you're looking to gain alot of hits, fans, and get a good feeling about your site too, then you must come up with an original concept or idea. If you're looking to just do a small little fan page with no purpose at all, then I guess originality isn't for you then.
Content. What's a site without content? In order to be a success, you've got to have something actually IN your site, whether it be a large amount of info, lots of images, or whatever your DB site's theme or goal is. Otherwise, you've got links to tons of pages that say "coming soon!", no links at all, or tons of stolen material. Ok,so that's kind of a worse-case scenario, but it sums up my point. Keep your content original, and the more there is of it, the better.
Creativity. So you've got an idea for an original site with lots of original content, but how can you catch your visitors' attention? Creativity is the key. Not much of it, but just enough to make your visitors say "hey, that's neat, I've never seen that/one of those before". Try to think of something no one has done much before, or something that reflects yourself that isn't bland. No one likes a bland DB site, so try to do something like that.
Layout. In order to make your visitors want to stay, a good layout is needed as well. People don't like to dig through an endless slew of unorganized links, so you must organize them in a way so that your visitors can access everything simply and with ease. Try to sort your links out well in an organized manner, and make sure things are easy to get to. Also,contrary to popular belief, having every section open in popups is more of an annoyance than it is a blessing. Try to avoid this if possible.
See what I mean now? Compare what I've reviewed with some of the good Dragonball sites I listed earlier and you'll see what I mean. All of them (or inleast most of them) show great expertise in all of the areas I covered above, and that's what makes them great. If you can follow the guidelines above, then that success should work for you. Emphasize on the word SHOULD. I'm not guaranting anyone a success at a new DBZ site with the info I've provided, but it sure can help out.
Now that you've reviewed the basics, do you think you're ready to make your OWN Dragonball site? "Wow,that sure isn't hard to do anymore" you think to yourself, but hopefully you aren't due to just reading the above. Making a fansite isn't as easy as it sounds anymore, and it's alot of hard work. If you're ready to, head on to the Second Primer to find out how to start up one step by step in the easiest manner, and what you'll need to accomplish it. Continue onward, my students! Lesson 1 is done!